Save Your Ash Trees from EAB Destruction

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a small, green jeweled beetle that kills ash tress by feeding on the tissue under the bark. This feeding disrupts the trees' ability to move water and nutrients back and forth from the roots to the rest of the tree. The tree starves and eventually dies within two to four years of being attached.

EAB infestation is found throughout the Midwest and has definitely reached our area. It is estimated that more than 50 million ash trees are dead or dying in the Midwest because of this insect. The beetle will only fly a few miles on its own, but it has made its way to new areas around the Midwest when people accidentally move EAB larvae inside of infested firewood or nursery stock.

To attack an ash tree, typically the insect enters at the top, works it way backand forth down the trunk, and then exits out of a small "D" shaped exit hole.  Typically, once an EAB infestation is noticed, that tree's chances of survival are very small.If you have ash trees on your property, don't wait until it looks like the tree is being attacked, as that may be too late to save it from EAB. Proactively treating ash trees before they're attacked is the only way to ensure the continued health of the ash trees.

Villani Landshapers uses two different practices to help ash trees.  One treatment is called a soil drench, where the active ingredient is taken up by the root system. The second treatment is a trunk injection that directly treats the tissues under the bark.

We highly recommend both treatments to save any ash trees on your property from this invasive, destructive pest.If you are concerned about EAB and want to save your ash trees, contact Villani Landshapers today to discuss proactive treatment options.


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